Bash Scripting Notes
Common Bash scripting techniques.
Variable names
Encapsulating variables in curly brackets to avoid ambiguity:
echo "The first six are ${FirstThree}DEF"
Encapsulating variable in double quotes preserves whitespace:
FirstThree='A B C'
echo $FirstThree # prints 'A B C'
echo "$FirstThree" # prints 'A B C'
Use $() or backticks to assign variables from the output of a command:
now=$(date +%Y-%m-%d)
echo $now
Assign an array using brackets around the list values. Use {} for disambiguation, and '@' to access the whole array or an index value for a single element:
echo ${contents[@]}
echo ${#contents[@]} # number of elements in array
echo ${contents[0]} # first element
echo ${contents[-1]} # last element
You can also assign directly to an array element:
Arguments are passed to scripts as space-separated values. '$0' holds the filename, '$1' is the first argument. '$#' holds the number of arguments passed to the script, and $@ holds a space-separated list of all arguments.
Arithmetic and Strings
Bash supports arithmetic operators using an arithmetic expression $(()):
TAX=$(($INCOME / 100 * 25))
echo $TAX
Several string operators are available. It is worth noting that the 'index' operator returns the numerical position of the search term, rather than the index-value of the search:
STRING="Nice to see you, to see you, nice"
echo ${#STRING} # length of string
expr index "$STRING" "s" # 9: position of first 's' IN $STRING
echo ${STRING:$((9-1)):3} # see: 3 characters from index 8
echo ${STRING:9-1:3} # see: 3 characters from index 8
echo ${STRING:8} # string from index 8 to end
expr index "$STRING" "you" # 7: position of first 'y','o' or 'u' IN $STRING
echo ${STRING[@]/you/me} # replace first 'you' with 'me'
echo ${STRING[@]//you/me} # replace all occurrences of 'you' with 'me'
echo ${STRING[@]// you/} # delete all occurrences of ' you'
echo ${STRING[@]/#Nice/Good} # replace characters at the start of the string
echo ${STRING[@]/%nice/OK} # replace characters at the end of the string
echo ${STRING[@]/%nice/$(pwd)} # replace characters at the end of the string
The basic 'if' statement takes this form:
if [ <condition> ]; then
# statements to execute
elif [ <condition ]; then
# statements to execute
# statements to execute
Conditionals can be a single test or combine multiple tests using '&&' or '||'. When using multiple tests, surround the conditional in double brackets '[[]]'.
Numeric comparisons are:
Operator | Meaning |
-lt | less than |
-gt | greater than |
-le | less than or equal to |
-ge | greater than or equal to |
-eq | equal to |
-ne | not equal to |
String comparisons are:
Operator | Meaning |
= | is the same as |
== | is the same as |
!= | is different |
-z | is empty |
Use double quotes around strings in comparisons to avoid shell expansion.
Case statements take the form:
case "$variable" in
"$value1" )
"$value2" | "$value3")
* )
default command
'for' loops look like this:
for arg in [list] do command $arg done
'while' loops look like this:
while [ condition ] do command done
'until' loops look like this:
until [ condition ] do command done
Loop constructs support 'break' and 'continue' statements.
An example 'for' loop:
NUMBERS=(12 13 16 18 21 25 23 28 33 35)
for n in ${NUMBERS[@]}
if [ $n = 33 ]; then
elif [ $(($n % 2)) = 1 ]; then
echo $n
echo "Not an odd number"
Functions are declared are declared with the key word 'function':
function f1 {
# access parameters as $1, $2, etc
Call the function by name, supplying any required arguments:
function f1 {
echo "${1}, ${2}"
STMT=$(f1 "Hello" "World!")
echo $STMT
Use command substitution to collect the output from the function as a return value. Use the 'local' keyword to scope your variables to the functions scope to avoid changing variables in the global scope:
function f1 {
local SCOPE="Earth"
echo "${GREET}, ${SCOPE}!"
f1 $GREET $SCOPE # changes $GREET globally
echo "${GREET}, ${SCOPE}!" # prints "Hello, World!"
When using command substitution around your function calls, the variables are scoped to the statement, so variables in the function will not overwrite globals:
function f1 {
local SCOPE="Earth"
echo "${GREET}, ${SCOPE}!"
echo $(f1 $GREET $SCOPE) # prints "Hello, Earth!" but does not change global $GREET
echo "${GREET}, ${SCOPE}!" # prints "Goodbye, World!"
Special Variables and Signals
A number of special variables are available to scripts and functions:
Variable Name | Meaning |
$0 | filename of current script |
$n | nth argument to script or function |
$# | number of arguments passed |
$@ | all arguments passed |
$* | all arguments passed |
$? | exit status of last command |
$$ | process id of current shell |
$! | process number of last background job |
You can use trap to intercept OS signals such as Ctrl+C (SIGINT) or Ctrl+D (SIGQUIT):
trap <code to execute> $SIG1 $SIG2 ...
Signals can be specified by name or number: use kill -l
for a list of signals. The code
to execute can be inline or a function name.
File Tests
Name | Test |
-e | file exists |
-d | directory exists |
-r | file is readable |