Terraform Overview
Terraform's configuration language is used to declare resources representing infrastructure objects. Terraform has a core set of language features to read the configuration and create a dependancy graph. Plugins are used to add features to interact with upstream APIs. Plugins are either 'providers' or 'provisioners'.
Provider plugins implement resources through basic CRUD operations. The Azure REST API exposes a client library that encapsulates the request-response objects of the API. The Terraform Azure provider uses this client library to connect to and invoke remote API endpoints for Azure.
Terraform providers exist for a vast array of upstream APIs. The Terraform Registry provides a list of existing providers.
Terraform maintains a state file that is created the first time a Terraform configuration is executed in a working directory. The state file is a JSON representation of the remote infrastructure and is used by Terraform to plan and execute the changes to be made to the infrastructure when Terraform commands are run.
Use terraform state list
to list the objects in the state file. To inspect
a specific object use terraform state show <ID>
The ID is declared in the resource block, and is the result of joining the resource
type and resource name with a '.'.
resource "azurerm_virtual_machine" "my_vm" {
In the above example, the resource_id is azurerm_virtual_machine.my_vm
Terraform Workflow
The general workflow for deploying infrastructure in Terraform is:
- Initialise the working directory:
terraform init
- Validate the scripts:
terraform validate
- Run the plan:
terraform plan
- Deploy the infrastructure:
terraform apply
- Destroy the infrastructure:
terraform destroy
Terraform 'init' is executed in the directory containing the Terraform scripts
and will initialise the state file and download required providers and modules
defined by the scripts. Modules and providers are downloaded and stored in the
hidden '.terraform' folder in the working directory. Once you've initialised the
state you can use terraform console
to inspect variables and expressions in the
context of your configuration.
Terraform 'validate' can be used to validate the syntax of the scripts in the working directory: there is also a 'fmt' command available to apply best practice formatting to the scripts
The 'terraform plan' command is used to determine what changes will be made when the scripts are applied. It compares the target infrastructure to the current state file and then compares the declared configuration to the state file. The difference between the two allows terraform to determine what changes need to be made when the configuration is applied and to output these changes as a plan.
After reviewing the plan, 'terraform apply' can be used to apply the
desired configuration as defined in the scripts to the target infrastructure.
If the apply is successful, Terraform generates a state file which, by default,
is stored in the current working directory as 'terraform.tfstate'. Use
terraform show
to see the full state file. When using azuread
to create users, groups and assign the users to groups, you need to create
the users before you try to assign group membership. You can run
terraform apply -target azuread_user.users
to create the users first,
before running terraform apply
to create the groups and group
The 'terraform destroy' command can be used to remove resources from environment and also from the state file. The '-target' option will allow you to specify a specific resource to remove:
terraform destroy -target azurerm_virtual_machine.user_vm[1]