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Getting a Repository

Turn an existing local directory into a git repository:

git init

Add a .gitignore to exclude files from tracking by Git Clone a repository with:

git clone <repository_url>

Clone takes a full copy of all the data the remote repository has. To see all the branches of the repository, use:

git branch -a

Recording Changes

To start tracking changes to a file, use:

git add <filename>

To see what you've changed but not yet staged:

git diff

To see what you've staged but not yet committed:

git diff --staged

To unstage a file

git reset HEAD <filename>


git restore --staged <filename>

Commit staged changes with a commit message:

git commit -m "Commit message"

To amend the previous commit, stage the additional files and then use:

git commit --amend

To discard changes to a file since the last commit:

git checkout -- <filename>

Newer version of above command

git restore <filename>

To remove a file from the staging area and your local directory:

git rm <filename>

To remove a file from the staging area but keep it in your local directory:

git rm --cached <filename>

To remove all files matching a pattern (the wildcard needs to be escaped with backslash):

git rm data/\*.csv

To rename a file:

git mv <filename.old> <>

Viewing Changes

To view the history of commits:

git log

To view the changes associated with the last two commits:

git log -p -2

To view changes for a particular file:

git log -- <path_to_file>

To view all commits for current branch with one line per commit:

git log --oneline

To view all commits for all branches with one line per commit:

git log --oneline --all

Working with Remotes

You can query the remote servers configured for your local copy with:

git remote -v

For a single remote you will receive two URLs: one for fetch and one for push After cloning a repository the default remote is named origin. You can add additional remotes:

git remote add <abbreviaion> <URL>

You can then fetch from the new remote:

git fetch <abbreviaion>

You can then checkout the new remote or merge it into one of your branches

git checkout abbreviation/master

The fetch command pulls all the data from the specified remote. git fetch origin will pull any new data from the origin since you last cloned it. Fetch will not automatically merge the data with your own work. If your current branch is set up to track a remote branch git pull will fetch and merge that branch to your current branch To push your changes use

git push origin master

This will not work if someone else has pushed to origin/master since you cloned it. You will first need to fetch their work and merge this into yours before you can push successfully To inspect the remote branch, use:

git remote show origin

The output of this command will show you:

  • which local branches are tracking which remote branches
  • which remote branches you don't currently have
  • which local branches no longer exist on the remote (stale branches)

Running git fetch origin will collect the remote branches that you don't currently have and git remote prune or git remote prune origin to remove stale branches.


To add a tag to the current commit:

git tag -a v0.1 -m "Tag message"

Add a tag to a specific commit

git tag -a v0.2 <commit checksum>

List tags

git tag

Tags are not automatically transferred to the remote. They need to be explicitly mentioned:

git push origin v0.2

To push all tags:

git push origin --tags

Tags can be removed using:

git tag -d v0.2

To delete the tag from a remote use:

git push origin --delete <tagname>

Show the commit annotated with a specific tag:

git show v0.1


Commits are pointers to the snapshots for the objects that had been staged. The commit also contains commit metatdata (author, email, committer) and a pointer to the previous commit. The pointer points to the root tree for the commit, which contains pointers to the blobs stored with the commit. A branch in Git is simply a pointer to a commit. Each time you commit on a branch, the branch pointer moves forward to the current commit. Creating a new branch, creates a new pointer to the current commit. A special pointer called HEAD is maintained to represent the current branch that you are on. There are multiple ways to create and switch to a new branch. This can be done in two steps:

    git branch <branchname>
    git checkout <branchname>

Or either of the following can be used:

  • git checkout -b <branchname>
  • git switch -c <branchname>

To switch to an existing branch use either one of:

  • git checkout <branchname>
  • git switch <branchname>

New branches will have their commit pointer pointing to the same commit as the branch it was created from. When new commits are added to the branch, the pointer is moved on to a new commit. To bring these commits into another branch you can use the merge subcommand

git switch -c feature123
### edit and commit some files
git switch main
git merge feature123

Providing no changes have been made in main the git merge will create a fast-forward merge: where the commits from the merged branch are added to the commits on the main branch and the pointer from main is moved to the last commit from the merged branch.

If the main branch has commits after the branch to be merged was created, the current branch of main is no longer a direct ancestor of the commits on the branch to be merged-in. In this case, Git creates a new snapshot that points to the latest commits on both branches and incorporates the changes from both branches. This is known as a merge commit.

Occaisionally, conflicts will occur during merge commits. This happens when both branches have made changes to the same file. In this case, git merge will report the conflict and the merge commit will be paused. Run git status to see which files need manual attention. The file will contain the conflicting lines from both files. After the conflicts have been resolved, the merge commit can be completed using git add followed by git commit.

The git branch subcommand contains lots of useful options for managing your branches. The --merged switch shows branches that have been merged into the current branch and the --no-merged command shows branches that have not yet been merged in. To delete a branch, use:

git branch -d <branchname>

If the branch to be deleted contains work that has not yet been merged in, the command will fail. You can still force the delete using:

git branch -D <branchname>

Use the --move switch to rename a branch:

git branch --move <old_name> <new-name>

This will change the name of the local copy of the branch. To replicate this on the server you will need to both push the new branch name and delete the old branch name on the remote:

git push -u origin <new-name>
git push origin --delete <old_name>

Care should be taken when re-naming and deleting remote branches that may be in use or ancestors for other branches held locally elsewhere. Also, if pipelines depend on the branch to be renamed, these scripts will also need to be adjusted for the new name Remote tracking branches are local references to the state of remote branches at the time that you last pulled them. To synchronise your remote tracking branches use:

git fetch <remotename>

When you want to share a local branch, you can push that up to the server:

git push <remotename> <branchname>

This will allow others to pull the branch from the server using:

git fetch origin

To create a local copy of the new branch, you will need to checkout the branch:

git checkout -b <branchname> <origin/branchname>

If the local branch does not already exists and exists on only one remote, this command can be shortened to:

git checkout <branchname>

The -b option allows you to specify an alternative name for the tracking branch To see the difference between your local tracking branches and the remote branches at the time you last fetched them, use:

git branch -vv

To see the difference between your local tracking branches and the current state of the remotes, you will need to fetch them first:

git fetch -all 
git branch -vv

Fetching a remote tracking branch will not update your local working directory. You will need to merge the remote tracking branch into your working directory manually:

git merge <origin/branchname>

Alternatively git pull does both a fetch and a merge


When two branches have divergent commit histories, then a merge commit will create a new snapshot from the most recent commits on both branches and the most recent common ancestor commit for both branches. An alternative approach is the available using the rebase command. Rebase will:

  • stash away the divergent commits from the current branch
  • rewind the current branch to the common ancestor for both branches
  • apply the commits from the source branch
  • re-apply the commits that were previously stashed away

To rebase the feature1 branch to the main branch:

git checkout feature1
git rebase main

The feature1 branch will now have the commit history from main, with the additional commits from feature1 appended. When you are ready to merge feature1 back to main a fast-forward merge will suffice:

git checkout main
git merge feature1

Rebasing is typically used to where you want to cleanly apply your commits to a remote branch. You can rebase your local branch to the remote branch and then create a pull request, so that when the request is approved, the new commits can be applied without fear of merge conflicts. Rebasing whilst keeping all the changes applied in a branch will result in new commits being created when the original commits are re-applied. This could cause a problem if someone else has created work based on your original branch. The simple lesson from all this is never rebase anything that you've pushed somewhere else.

Reversing Changes

HEAD is the symbolic name for the currently checked out commit. HEAD is normally attached to a branch but you can attach it to a commit:

git checkout commit_hash

Since commit hashes are awkward to work with, you can use relative refs to move around:

  • Use the carat symbol to move up one commit at a time
  • Use the tilde symbol followed by an integer to move upwards that integer number of time

Thus you can move HEAD using relative refs. The following code moves HEAD back two commits before the $current_commit:

git checkout $current_commit
git checkout HEAD^
git checkout HEAD^

The same effect can be produced with:

git checkout HEAD~2

Instead of moving HEAD, you can reassign a branch to to a previous commit:

git branch -f main HEAD~3

This will move the main branch to three commits behind HEAD. Or you can move the branch forward to a specific commit hash:

git branch -f main $specific_commit

You can reverse changes by moving a branch reference backwards in time to an older commit:

git reset HEAD~1

'reset' works for local branches on your own machine. To reverse changes for remote branches that others are using, use 'revert':

git revert HEAD

'revert' appends a new commit that has the effect of undoing the previous commit. This commit can be pushed to the remote for others to pull

Cherry Picking

Git cherry-pick allows you to incorporate changes from another branch into the current branch:

git cherry-pick commit_hash1, commit_hash3, ..., commit_hashN

The above commands appends the selected commits to the commits on the current branch An interactive rebase allows you to reorder or omit commits from the current branch:

git rebase -i HEAD~7

The above command moves you back in the commit tree by seven commits and then allows you to reorder or omit commits. You can even change the commit message if you wish